
During the summer months many festivals take place throughout the area, often to coincide with school holidays.

Marciac - Jazz in Marciac; a world-famous festival, held in the first and second weeks of August and attracting big names of the jazz world.
Fleurance - Festival of Sky and Space.
Sarrant - Medieval festival with period costumes and events during the first fortnight of August.
Vic Fezenzac - Night markets with Bandas music played by street bands, street side eating and drinking, and a wonderful fairground atmosphere. Also, the Tempo Latino Music Festival. Both events on specified evenings, normally during August.
Condom - Festival of Bandas; small musical groups playing through the streets of the town, normally 2nd week of May.
Lectoure - ‘Summer of Photography’ Festival
Mirande - Country Music Festival, mid-July.
Auch - Festival of Song; 3 weekends during June.